I truly believe that positive thinking not only brings inner peace, but also success, improved relationships, even better health, happiness, and satisfaction. There is something to be said for the positive minds in the world…I believe they are contagious as well… have you ever been around one so positive and upbeat? And then been around a downer? Which do you prefer to spend time with?? Do you think its true that people pick your mental moods and are affected accordingly? Think about it- either way isn’t it a much better way of living being positive?
Lets all develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome or whatever we do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure our success.
There are so many things in life that will never make sense, so why not stopping there and just leaving it at that. There are things that we wont understand.. maybe, why God- did my dad have to die ?? Why did my grandpa have to get cancer? Why did my heart get broken? Why do I feel broken?? How do I fix this?? WHAT CAN I DO? WHAT DO I DO?? Sometimes we might just be over analyzing things, although we all do, come on now… we are all guilty of it. Life will take its course, we must stand on what we know, we must stand firmly in our faith, our God, our first love… Life can be what we make it, or life can be what happens to us.. either way LIFE WILL HAPPEN, LIFE MOVES ON… I want to be a strong person, the weak just doesn’t seem becoming to me… it doesn’t appease me- being STRONG.. Yea that makes me smile, yet I know to get strong our strength will be tested- therefore obstacles, valleys, heartache, but hey.. I wanted to be strong riiiiight?? :)
If we continue to look at the bright side of life the our life becomes filled with light, and.. this light doesn’t only affect us and the way we look at the world, but also the people around us. IF IT IS STRONG ENOUGH… IT BECOMES CONTAGIOUS
I pray for peace all over the world, for strong people to rise up and be what others need. I pray that the ones going through hard, dark, difficult times… finds that shifting their thoughts to be more positive will create a rippling effect internally and externally. We must start somewhere though, maybe the first steps are the hardest?? Maybe just getting into the habit, or mind set of it, but not fool yourself… the whole thing will be somewhat difficult at times- but HEY!!!... that’s how we get more strength!!
Don’t give up… never ever give up. Put your pain, your heart, your soul, and your faith in this- I must mention something- when I get sad, lonely, or when I feel like giving up… I remember the verse that when my dad died I put my finger on, it always fills me up to this day, because it was at such an important place in my life: ONEFIVE… maybe if I ever design clothes one day that will be the brand J lol but Joshua 1:5.. check it out, let it bring you peace!!!!
whatever life throws at us, this too shall pass- nothing last forever, its all learning lessons, experiments.
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